Perhaps it is because of the intention, or lack of, of our behaviour, of how we show up - the consciousness, that we collectively hold. As we change the behaviour of one person, the collective behaviour changes.
Our journey at Sustainable You has come to this purpose:
We awaken people to their power of evolving a sustainable consciousness.
To meet this aspiration, we engage ignorance by educating; fear by encouraging; unwillingness by inspiring; and busyness by making it easy.
Our platform model and mobile app inspires confidence in residential and commercial property owners to shift behavior easily as we vet and curate products and service providers for them, consult and coach them, and deliver and manage solutions with partners to ultimately pay them to be part of a new system in our initial market of the Washington DC Metro Area.
Our competitive advantage is in expanding common reward - when consumers and partners convert with us, they get paid to do so.
We have four divisions, and we began with solar and energy efficiency applying our experience at Tesla. We implement the strongest solar incentives in the country to eliminate the average $100 electric bill for homeowners, and create an average $300 per month recurring income stream for them as we deliver installation with select providers.
Leveraging this capital, we cross-sell and deliver permaculture gardens with local partners that regenerate soil and cultivate sustainable yields, while reconnecting our neighbors with nature's principles to build empowering communities with their own abundant food supply.
Thirdly, we offer sustainable lifestyle coaching to help individuals and organizations evolve by adopting, with accountability, simple and rewarding actions, products, and services that we curate locally and digitally.
Finally, we build community resilience by integrating and scaling our solutions of energy, regenerative agriculture, and lifestyle coaching for community centers like houses of worship and schools.
Through our organic referral-based growth, we've seen that as one person changes, a family does, then a neighborhood, then perhaps a city, and then perhaps the world.
Sustainable You has been self-sustaining since April 2019. We can grow slow, but the world is moving fast, and a sustainable consciousness must scale with it. We are leaders in solar because of our non-competitive, partnership approach, and we are scaling an evolving ecoSYstem of services that lead with permaculture, sustainability coaching, and community resilience.
To lead our market into ethical sustainable abundance, we are looking to bolster our team’s and partners’ compensation and expand our investment in marketing and technology. We are asking those who align with our vision to join us and grow with us.
By investing in our venture, you are investing in the collective venture, the venture of a consciousness beyond sustaining - a consciousness of thriving.
Copyright © 2022 Sustainable You - All Rights Reserved.
Washington, DC, 20002